
  • 2001: Starting the development of a software system for imaging, documentation and archiving in radiotherapy at the department for Radiotherapy and Radio-Oncology at the University Clinic of Salzburg by Heinz Deutschmann.
  • Continuous improvement and development of the software system by translational research based on continuous usability inputs of the clinical environment.
  • Clinical integration of the software system after sufficient verification and validation in conformance to the medical device act and actual guidelines. 
  • 2007: Foundation of the Institute for Research and Development on Advanced Radiation Technologies (radART) at the Paracelsus Medical University (PMU) of Salzburg 
  • 2008: The software is named „open radART“
  • 2009: In order to guarantee and characterize the high standards of quality the software “open radART” is certified according to EN ISO 13485: 2003 + AC 2009.
  • Spring 2012: The radART-Institute und MedAustron sign a long-term research cooperation.
  • November 2012: Foundation of the medPhoton GmbH with Heinz Deutschmann as Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
  • January 2015: CE Clearance for the ImagingRing system
  • December 2016: FDA 510k Clearance for the ImagingRing system (US market)
  • December 2016: first patient treated at MedAustron
  • Since then, the team is constantly growing, including students and graduates coming from information technology and physics. A variety of research projects has been initiated in cooperation with scientific and economic partners.







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