Software development
The software development department of medPhoton GmbH covers all areas of software necessary in order to operate a radiation therapy center. Of course the main focus of our, in accordance with IEC 62304 developed, applications lies on the control of the ImagingRing and the processing of the resulting images in 2D as well as in 3D. The portfolio of medPhoton software comprises interfaces to X-ray vendors, flat panel detector vendors, and robot vendors (in terms of patient positioning systems) on the one hand and higher level orchestrating software of 3rd party integrators as well as medPhoton’s own R & V (record and verify) system on the other hand. To complete the picture medPhoton provides powerful tools and applications in order to make the life easier for medical personnel and provide a maximum of convenience and safety for the patient.
The center point of all software developed and provided by medPhoton is of course the patient. Software development is mainly driven by the patient needs like an accurate treatment, a maximum of safety during the treatment, and the lowest possible amount of time for the patient to spend on her/his treatment. This defines the need of a very close cooperation and interaction with our partners at SALK (Salzburger Landeskliniken) and MedAustron on the therapy sector and with PMU on the scientific sector.
Beside the commercial development, medPhoton also provides the core of their software, including all interfaces necessary in order to talk to the software and accomplish certain tasks as well as a lot of tools and functionality as an open source library called SORRY (Software for Open Research in Radiation therapy). All interested persons are allowed to use the software for their own purpose, copy it, and/or change it to their needs.